Këshilli i Ambasadorëve Shqiptarë mirëpritet në Washington

Pritje e ngrohte ne Washington, e perfaqesise se Keshillit te Ambasadoreve Shqiptare nga Keshilli i Ambasadoreve Amerikane.

Presidenti i ketij Keshilli, Ambasadori Timothy A. Chorba dhe Presidenti i Keshillit te Ambasadoreve Shqiptare, Ambasadori Besnik Mustafaj, biseduan per ndertimin e nje bashkepunimi afatgjate midis dy organizatave, me qellim zhvillimin e veprimtarive te perbashketa si ne Tirane e ne rajonin tone edhe ne Washington, ne mbeshtetje te politikes se jashtme.


Warm reception in Washington of the Council of Albanian Ambassadors by the Council of American Ambassadors.

The President of Council of American Ambassador Timothy A. Chorba and the President of the Council of Albanian Ambassador Besnik Mustafaj, talked about building a long-term cooperation between the two organizations, in order to develop joint common activities both in Tirana and in our region and in Washington, in support of foreign policy.